ha, I thought this was so cute!!!
I'm amazed at the way things played out tonight. I found myself in the ER again with a fever and severe low blood pressure, apparently my body isn't adjusted to the steroid taper fast enough and these are some of the withdrawal symptoms. I left with a steroid shot(hurt bad)and a prescription for a high dose of steroids, again. I was hoping moonface would go away soon.
I'm a little frustrated with not being able to get off of these things.
Anyway, as soon as I got to the hospital I locked my keys in my car with my purse, so not unusual for me, I wasn't able to get ahold of anyone to take me home for the spare key so 2 very special people ended their night early, mind you its V. day, and came to pick me up.
it left me speechless, really it did.
hahahaha member when you smashed your OWN hand in the door when YOU closed it at Burger King?! haha good times, Holly and I tried so hard not to let you see us laughing, you were so mad and I tried to get you to see that normal people don't usually smash their hand, they move it.... haha omw ima die now laughing right