Saturday, May 30, 2009

sadness and testimony.

sadness is starting to fill me. I know tomorrow will be one of the hardest days i'll have to face. Losing so much but knowing things will be okay give me hope.

Monday, May 25, 2009

feeling good.

Feeling good, still having some gut problems but other than that I feel good :) Once again thanks Oroville Hospital!!!

I'm sad that Dodds are leaving us...they're a very sweet caring family, I know they're going to good things in this life :)

And i'll be txtng you Sis. Amber!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009


I woke up with puffy eyes, so swollen I could hardly see. My heart hurts beyond what I thought was capable. Where do we go from here? How do we keep going on?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

World Scope

I attended my first world scope event this Friday and it was awesome. I think it was 3% of your time is spent in church out of a week so that means 97% is living for God outside of church, as in your walk with God isn't a church event. I wish I could explain it the way it is laid out in my head but no such luck.

but to me that was an eye opener...I don't know why, i'm sure other people have known that but wow!

Friday, May 8, 2009

laying them down.

Life is taking me for a ride...

what is it going to take to lay a few burdens down?