Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I kind of think I shouldn't write in my blog unless I have something good to say and maybe something different but nope. I applied for yet another job that seems hopeful, a noc gas station attendant, fun stuff.

Health news: Found a great doctor in Oro and feel really good about him and my medical care. He found the beginnings of a cataract, which explains my worstening eye site, and he told me its going to be a long road getting off steroids, 6 months to a year. At least there is an ending in sight and alot of the problems will correct themselves such as

*steroid induced hyperglycemia
*steroid induced adrenal sufficiancy
*steroid induced cataracts(surgery may be required)
*possible steroid induced osteopenia(dexa scan scheduled)

he's also convinced I still have my appendix though I had that surgery in 2005, he says the ct scan showed my appendix still hanging really confused, I hope he is wrong. I'm sure he is.

enough on that...even I get bored of my own medical stuff.

restlessness is still coming on strong.
sleep is very much needed.

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