Thursday, March 5, 2009

day 7 blues

Its day seven of being a "resident" of Oroville Hospital, I wonder if I should pack all my stuff and bring it to the door step of the hospital. Goal is to be out tomorrow, I had a great day health wise, walking when i'm able and YES complying with the medical staff.

Sarah comes in tonight, i'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited its helping keep the hospital based depression away.

i'm going to sign off because my room-mate is hacking her phlem filled lungs up and its grossing me out and I don't want a piece of her lung to land on me.

thanks again everybody for being there for me, having visitors helps me focus on getting well:)

out for now

Holl and Sis. K I fixed the title of my last post, maybe yaga was word in German


  1. Hey girl!
    Glad to hear you're doing better. Wish we lived closer so I could just swing by and put on my little song & dance there at the hospital for ya. ;)
    Take care!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well, I guess its alright for my lil eyes to wander your blog since I have not gotten booted from the owner of this space yet (no worries I'm not gonna mention ANY names)Seriously I hope everything is going ok, I'm not gonna say good cause that would be just dumb of me, Because well uhhh your in the Hospital and if everything was good you wouldn't be!!! Let's see, I don't think I have any performance to put on for you.... But I'm sure I can make something up..... is there a curtain in your room *wink*

  4. hahahaaaaahaa that's the Kendrea I I may just wear a blindfold whenever I enter Jessica's room...just in case ;)

  5. hahaha you never know I don't want Jess to get lonely.... Hey her roomie can join in on the fun too!
