Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Another loooooooooooooooooooooooong day of nothingness, I met with my cardiologist who was just as frusterated as me with my health, my blood pressure being so up and down and never "normal" he took me off steroids which will just be restarted once my body freaks without them, its just a never ending frustration that seems to always lead to me being ill.

i think maybe my thinking today is clouded, i'm a little down as my youngest sister left town today, i'm missing JC alot and in general don't have a good sense of wellbeing. I have a hard time leaving the house, my face looks like a hairy balloon and I KNOW everybody is seeing that, if it weren't for docs and church I would probably be at home all day with the curtains closed.

out for now.

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